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The pully for the rope tow

The pully for the rope tow

Posted by SLVH Team | No Comments
April 19, 2022

Another treat awaits those that venture out and stroll around the property. You’ll find old relics from that period such as the large black boiler that was used to heat water which in turn ran through pipes laid under the parking lot and melted the accumulating snow. Many still remember a well known local named Kenny Fudge whose after-school job would be to join old man Eckert in loading the boiler with sawdust gathered from the mill adjacent to the property. One of the more intriguing relics along the lot line is remnants of a ski tow that was used to transport skiers to the top of the property line and allow them to ski a short distance to the base of the lot. You can still see the top and bottom pulley mechanisms. It wasn’t much of a trip, but no doubt the trip to the top had to have been pretty gripping.